Joe Otero's Vixen 2500 - 2335T
updated - 02.01.2018
******** 29.07.2010 *********************************

Hybrid M-chassis / Vixen body.
Purchased this car from the original owner in 1984 (from Ludlow, Massachusetts, USA).
Initially this car was the "Silver Fox" but as the original paint deteriorated is was
re-sprayed BRG as it remains today.
Many restored and upgraded components.
This car was displayed at numerous British car shows throughout New England in the '80's
and '90's receiving many "Best in Class" trophies. It even achieved a "Best in Show" at a
1990's Concourse event.
It sits in quiet retirement at it's home in Enfield, Ct. Still fun to drive but it doesn't get out very much.
********* 02.01.2018 ***************************************************************
Car sold to Joe Otero
Current Owner:
Joe Otero
Former Owner:
Paul Dembek
contact the owner, please route inquiries through the registar.
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